Hier ein Poster über einen Garten. Aus den Bildern die ich von den Blumen eines Gartens gemacht habe, habe ich ein Poster mit einer Collage der besten … [Weiterlesen...]
Dürers Rhinocerus – ein Poster
Hier ein Posterentwurf zu Dürers "Rhinocerus". Das Bild ist ein berühmter Holzschnitt von Albrecht Dürer aus dem Jahr 1515 (Wikipedia: English | … [Weiterlesen...]
Cute Cat
I draw a picture of a cute cat I found on the internet. :) … [Weiterlesen...]
Calligraphy: Japan
Here are some calligraphies I made. The calligraphy style is more Chinese (my calligraphy teacher was Chinese), but the character is "Japan": 日本 … [Weiterlesen...]
Piglet in the hay
I drew a sleeping pigglet in an wheat field. … [Weiterlesen...]
What I find fascinating about logos is how much information they can convey with only very limited means. Here you can find my take on some … [Weiterlesen...]
Gran Canaria and Teneriffa
For my travel blogs section about Gran Canaria I drew this digital illustration of a photo that I particularly liked. What I liked most about the … [Weiterlesen...]
Cozy Camp Fire
When you are outside in nature, sitting in front of a warm campfire is a wonderful way to spend your evening. Just sitting in front of camp fire and … [Weiterlesen...]
My Teddy Bear
One day I was bored I drew my teddy bear. He has a nice neckerchief and likes to lie on the grass and relax in the sun. … [Weiterlesen...]
The football (soccer) game
A friendly football (or soccer) game between our two favourite Lego guys. They are just having a good time. :) … [Weiterlesen...]